
The membership of the society shall be open to;

  •   Any member of the Hogg Robinson Nigeria Ltd, Medexia Ltd and HRN Travels staff who join during the application for the registration of the society.
  •    Any member of staff of the above admitted in accordance with the society’s byelaws If you are accepted as a member, you can exercise your rights and privileges as a member after you must have paid all necessary membership fees and share capital subscribed to benefit fully from the society.

Qualification & Admission

To be a member of Hogg Robinson Cooperative you must meet some certain criterion, such that you must be;

  • Of good and honest character
  • Of not less than 18years of age except in the case of an heir of a deceased member, and where the Director of Cooperative Services grants exception from this qualification
  • Ordinary resident in Nigeria, but a member who leaves Nigeria on official assignment may retain his membership
  • A member who does not belong to any other society, the primary object of which coincides with that of Hogg Robinson except with the permission of the Director.
  • Application for membership shall be made by the procurement of Membership/Entrance form to be submitted to the Secretariat Office who shall have the discretion to process same.
  • All application for membership shall be confirmed by the President and Secretary